
[What is an Automatic Gas Shutoff System]An “Automatic Gas Shutoff System” can automatically shut off the gas in an emergency, e.g. when a gas leak occurs, by being linked to the gas alarm. By linking it to a ventilation warning alarm for commercial, the gas supply can be shut off when there is an imminent danger of poisoning by carbon monoxide.In addition, opening/closing of the shutoff valve and leak inspection of the gas pipes can be automatically performed simply by operating the switches of the controller. Moreover, it is also possible to connect it to a simple automatic re extinguishing device for hoods, a gas shutoff display panel in the control room, or a remote closing switch. These connections automatically shut off the gas in addition to extinguishing the re if a hood re occurs, allowing the opening/closing status of the shutoff valve to be monitored by the controller in the control room. The system also allows the gas to be shut off from the control room.[Installation of Shutoff Valve][Installation of Shutoff Valve Controller]■ Examples of places where it should not be installed■ Examples of places where it should not be installed■ Mounting PositionAttach the shutoff valve to the outlet pipe downstream of the gas meter.Prohibited所に取付けられていますと、操作に支障が生じたりの原因になることがあります。所●備品のかげになる場所しやすいProhibitedProhibitedLess than –10°CLess than –10°CMore than 60°CMore than 60°CProhibitedProhibitedProhibitedProhibitedBang!Bang!Prohibited① Choose an installation position that is easy to see and operate the controller.② Check the material and strength of the wall at the mounting position.③ Do not install the controller on a clay wall or a plywood or gypsum board that has a low strength.④ Consider an installation location that will ensure that the signal line of the shutoff valve in particular is as short as possible (less than 50 m) so that it will not be affected by strong radio waves near the antenna of a radio or TV.⑤ Install the mounting plate vertically and in a location where there are no obstacles to the top and bottom.  (Within ±3 degrees in the vertical direction)(3)遮断弁は、取付作業及び維持管理上、支・手動による弁の開閉操作や弁駆動部の弁駆動部の交換には、右図の作業をする必要です。次頁に必要スペースの詳細を記ますので、参考にしてください(都市ガス用・取外し時:固定している4箇所のボルトを右図の矢印の方向に弁駆動部真っ直ぐ持上げる必要があり・取付け時:取外し時と逆に弁駆動部を弁向かって真っ直ぐに取付けるあります。・遮断弁は、周囲に下記スペースを確保で・各形式別製品の外形寸法は、後述の『3)ていますので、各製品寸法外周に下記ス前記イラストに示す位置(図の左側に壁)に取示します。A、B、C、F方向は、都市ガス用の壁BCAD・A方向:弁駆動部取外しに必要なスペース・B方向:弁駆動部取り外し時、スパナ(10mm緩めるスペース・C方向:B方向と同様に、弁駆動部取り外し時・D方向:取付作業に支障のないスペース・E方向:手動開閉のため、スパナ(10mm幅)回転させるためのスペース・F方向:B方向と同様に、弁駆動部取り外し時A方向:10cm以上C方向:20cm以上D方向:10cm以上B方向:20cm以上※【最大の配管容積と配管長】(配管容積設定スイッチ(SW1)が「OFF」の状態)都市ガス用●一般物件設定の場合●小規模配管設定の場合小規模配管設定スイッチSW5:「OFF」小規模配管設定スイッチSW5:「ON」LPガス用●通常設定の場合●高感度設定の場合漏洩検出感度スイッチSW2:ON漏洩検出感度スイッチSW2:OFF設定口径最大20A25A32A40A900L最大20A25A32A45L45L75L配管容積配管長配管容積配管容積60L150L150m60L60m111m設定最大164m150L100L配管容積80A配管長75L100m175m20A80A450L202m50A50A最大20A25A32A123m75m75m設定59m80A29m50A60L164m60L100m150L150m遮断弁に対するバルブの取付け位置は特に規定しません。(上流、下流どちらでも構いません。)設定46m111m150L55m口径25A32A40A60L164m100m44m300L59m150L68m配管長200L91m口径40A配管長口径40A50A80A300L2)取付位置(1)遮断弁は原則としてガスメータ付近の出口側配管へ取付けてください。(2)遮断弁は、前頁のイラストに示す場所には取付けないでください。このような場所に取付けると、故障や誤動作の原因になることがあります。また、近くに放送局の電波塔があるときは、強い電波の影響を受けて誤動作が生じやすくなりますので、操作器と接続する信号線の長さはできるだけ短くなるように(50m以下が望ましい)、遮断弁の設置場所に配慮してください。漏洩検査精度が確保できる最大配管長は下表です。この最大配管長を超える場合は、遮断弁を下流側(ガス栓側)へ移動する、主管から分岐管ごとの設置に変更する等の対策を講じてください。・下流側への移動・分岐管ごとの設置常に高温になる所も避けてください。シール用Oリングなどのゴム部品の劣化が進みます。Gas flowGas flow40 A meter installation exampleGas flow50 A and 80 A meter installation exampleGas flowPiping installation examplePiping installation exampleFor town gas MV-20T, 25T, 32T, 40T, 50T, 50TA, 80T, 50T-2 and 80T-2Gas interruption indication lampG-type receiverAlarm adapter for town gas: YSC-25Remote switch (off only)Shutoff ValveAutomatic gas shutoff systemController for town gas: YCB-13EVentilation Warning Alarm for CommercialSimple automatic fire extinguisher for hoods, etc.Automatic Gas Shutoff System● Concealed places where leaked gas may accumulate● Places that are constantly affected by moisture, such as splashed water or steam● Places where the temperature reaches less than –10°C or more than 60°C (less than –25°C for LP gas)● Places subject to vibrations from motors or vehicles● Places where the alarm may be touched by many different people● Places where xtures are hidden● Unstable places such as places exposed to vibrations, old walls, etc.● Locations affected by vibrations and impacts from doors opening and closing43Automatic Gas Shutoff System

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